Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Cover Released!

Hello folks! 

Long time, but I haven't been idle. Below, I'm proud to present, the official cover for the upcoming A Land Remembered: Graphic Novel from Pineapple Press! The cover presents the three generations of the MacIvey family, each in their prime, standing over a map of Florida. 

This has been a long time coming. I wanted to make sure I captured the spirit of the book, while presenting a cover that wasn't so overplayed as a comic book like my Flagler's Few series. I wanted to appeal to non-comic fan crowd, as my adaptation is meant to not only entice new readers to the Patrick Smith classic, but seasoned fans as well who may never have picked up a book before. 

If you're a fan of the art, and are interested in learning more about my work on the project, I will be presenting at the upcoming Florida Heritage Book Festival, in St. Augustine on September 23-24th. I'll be discussing the process of adapting the novel, as well as selling a limited print run of the covers on 11x17 mini-poster formats. 

Hope to see you there! Stay tuned for more! 
